Monday, December 16, 2013

Final Part 2 and 3

This person is a famous athletic, she's doing her splits. The person who took this
picture is really focusing on her as you can tell the person stands up more
because she's the whole point of the picture. This picture also shows you how she feels relive and loves
doing what she's doing. This Picture represents the Rule of simplicity.

Alexa loves the rain and she's loving it. The rain makes her feel peaceful
every time it rains. In this picture it shows it by the way that is actually raining and she doesn't care
if she's getting wet. This Picture uses the rule of avoiding Mergers.

President its representing the peace and his confidents that 
we can make this world change. In this picture you can tell that he was giving a important speech but if you really look at it his not holding nothing but it looks like it but its actually the light. They took this picture when he was moving his hands by demonstrating something and talking but his not
graving nothing. This Picture is represented by the Rule of thirds.

A running dog everybody is cheering for him so he can win the 
rase and everybody's fascinated by the dog. This dog Looks happy running He feels love
by all those people staring at him and cheering for him. This picture looks like People are enjoying what they see. This Picture Represents the Rule of Leading Lines.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Self portrait

Environmental Portrait :
I like these two pictures because there so cute and the picture
looks like its more focus on them and it makes it even cuter.
 Casual Portrait : 
I fell in love with these pictures thats why i chosen them
they look so cute. These pictures are perfect it shows how 
much they love each other.
 Formal Portrait : 
I Chosen these 2 pictures because i fell in love 
by the way the little two babys look like they look so adorable and i like babies so yeah.

I Will take portrait pictures of my lovely Sister i will take pictures of her in our house or in the parks in nice places so they would look pretty. I will try my best to take the best pictures and make them look beautiful i mean my sister already is so it wont be hard for me to make it a successful and fun project to do.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Caption Writing

  • Marlin died in 12 11 2001 in New york1954 image of her posing over a New York City subway grate in character for the filming of "The Seven Year Itch."        
Boston Globe78-year-old runner Bill Iffrig was knocked down by the first explosion at the Boston Marathon on April 15.      In the immediate aftermath of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, local journalist Shannon Hicks witnessed police escorting children out of the school in Newtown, Connecticut.       
Mary Ann Vecchio screams as she kneels over Jeffrey Miller's body during an anti-war demonstration in 1970 at Kent State University.

Following a crackdown that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of student demonstrators in Beijing, a lone Chinese protester steps in front of People's Liberation Army tanks in Tiananmen Squarein 1989.

Warm up 12/05/13

I will call it fluffy and it will be my penguin lol

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Rule of photography part 2 ღ

 Rule of Thirds
Leading lines 
Symmetry and lines
View Point 


The baby

3 pillars of exposer

                                                                        1. Eyes
2. The Smaller the aperture setting, the higher the aperture f stop.
3. Aperture is in charge of adding or taking away detail to specific things in the image
high shutter speed
Slow shutter speed
A. Fast
B. Medium
C. Slow
D. Medium
E. Medium
F. Fast

A. Medium
B. Fast
C. Medium
D. Slow
E. Slow
F. Medium
ISO 200
  1. setting at a sporting event like a night football game? the higher the ISO # is it might not give a better quality than a low ISO would give.
  2. what suggestion did the author make about using a low ISO? that when there is plenty of light, you should always use the lowest ISO, to retain the most detail and to have the highest image quality.
  3. what suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO? that you should increase the ISO when there is not enough light for the camera to be able to quickly capture an image.
    • F4 
    • ---1/112 sec
    • F5.6 
    • ---1/60 sec
    • F8
    • ---1/60 sec
    • F11
    • ---1/60 sec
    • F16 
    • --- 1/30 sec
    • F22
    • ---1/15 sec
    The background gets darker, and unfocused. 
    Its in focus.
    it looks different .
    The photographer can use the iso 200.

Warm up 12/03/13

Thanksgiving was alright the only thing i liked about it 
was that at night i went to the mall and i got Starbucks.